Farm Design Make-Over by Design Connect
Design Connect – a multidisciplinary, student-run, community design organization based in Cornell University – has gathered a group of 14 students in a project team to develop and design the expansion of Groundswell’s Incubator Farm.
These students, majoring in architecture, landscape architecture and other fields of relevance, aim to provide a functional and ecological architectural expansion to the existing farm with additional spaces for a classroom, greenhouses, and public event space as well as improvements the growing space already in production.
Design students meet with Incubator Farmers in their home
While still maintaining Groundswell’s ideology of being an Incubator Farm accessible to those underrepresented in the food system, the Design Connect team promises progress and development in infrastructure and beyond. Having consulted farmers and EcoVillage officials alike, the team focuses on how to expand the existing culturally diverse farming environment, with additions of leisure spaces within the farm as well as a completely new structure that can be used as a classroom. All of the prospective new buildings will fit into the general aesthetic and structure style of EvoVillage while incorporating a sustainable and functioning place of rest and education.
Preliminary analysis of farm land use and condition
As of right now, the Design Connect team is divided into teams: landscape architecture, architecture, research and outreach. Each individual team is focusing the following procedures: researching grants and potential resources, reaching out to anyone who would be affected by the developments such as farmers, EcoVillage residents etc. and designing structures and layouts of the future expansion.
At the end of the semester, the Design Connect team will present their final site design and phases to implement a new master-plan. Stay tuned for final plans.
Article by Sophia O’Neill
Cornell University College of Art, Architecture and Planning