Support the Ithaca Community Gardens!

For 30 years Ithaca Community Gardens has been at a valuable resource for people who want to grow their own, but don’t have the space to do it at home. This includes many low-income households, and many immigrant and refugee families. A long-term lease with the City expires at the end of this year.  The City Council says it wants to make the land available for development, and has proposed a lease that would allow the City to remove the Gardens on 90 days notice.  Undeveloped land in the City is extremely scarce and very expensive, and no other suitable site for a large, urban community garden has been found.  Other progressive communities around the country are expanding their community gardens, in the name of sustainability and food justice; Ithaca should not be moving in the opposite direction!

What can we do?
Please contact Common Council members and the Mayor to voice your support for a new, long-term lease without the threat of early termination.  If you can, please attend a meeting of the City Administration Committee, this Wednesday, 7/24/2013, at 6:00 pm in City Hall, to show your support for the Gardens (or come to the next full Council meeting, on 8/7 at 6:00 pm). To learn more, contact As always, thank you for your support of a strong local food system!