Interested in joining the Board or a Leadership Committee?
If you are passionate about just and sustainable food systems, farming and social justice, we would love to have you sit on our Board of Directors. You would be committing to attending six online meetings per year, while we offer you the opportunity to attend fundraising events, the opportunity to engage in the community outreach efforts at local events, advocate for local food justice and equity in food system initiatives, and lots of fun!
Fill out the Board Member Form found here!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Juliana:
TODD McLANE (he/him)
Tompkins Cortland Community College Farm
PETER BARDAGLIO (he/him) Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative
RACHEL BEZNER KERR (she/her) Cornell University Department of Global Development
MARCUS A. COLEMAN (he/him) Louisiana State University AgCenter
DEBRA WALSH (she/her)
ARIANA TAYLOR-STANLEY (she/her) Here We Are Farm
CLAIRE LYNCH (she/her) Environmental Advocates NY
JAY SMITH (he/him) Writer, Activist
BOB TUORI (he/him)
Vegetable farmer, high school science teacher